Cell Transport Quiz Review

To find out what you need to know click here: membrane+movement2018KUD

For more study materials see below:

Osmosis and Diffusion PPT

Cell Membrane Youtube Playlist

Wisconsin Cell Construction

To download Cell Jeopardy!cell-membrane-jeopardyDownload

To play Cell Defense at Biomanbio: click here!



While you’re studying for the upcoming quiz on Tuesday and Wednesday, here are some links and documents that will be helpful:

Membrane and Movement KUD

Osmosis and Diffusion PPT

Cell Membrane Youtube Playlist

Wisconsin Cell Construction

Membrane Transport Animation

Diffusion Animation

Transport Channel Animation

Membrane Fluidity Animation

Also, there is a QUIZZIZ available to study, too.


Good luck studying!

Ms. Griffith 🙂


QUIZ TIME on 12/18 and 12/21

There are quizzes on cell transport on both December 18 (B Day) and December 21 (A Day.)

We spent the first half of class reviewing material with some direct instruction and then played two or three games of Kahoot.

Quiz One consisted of 25 questions answered on the computer response site called quizziz.

Quiz Two contains short answer responses and one written response.

With the end of the second marking period rapidly approaching it very important that students make these up ASAP after Christmas break.

Activities/Assignments for 12/16 B Day

We finished up the POGIL activity on Membrane Structure and discusses the final Model on Active Transport.

We then developed a graphic organizer (Venn) that compared Passive Transport and Active Transport.

For the powerpoint that reviews cell membrane structure, passive transport (diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion,) and active transport, Click osmosis+and+Diffusion

We then discussed osmosis.Here is the handout. Osnotes.

Here are the practice problems we worked on: Osmosis_worksheet[1]