Punnet Squares and Test-Crosses 4/26- 4/27/16

Today, we worked on test-crosses and statistical analysis of phenotypes and genotypes using Punnet squares. There was a warm-up about cat test-crossing, this worksheet can be found on the make-up work counter along with the penny lab that we completed for a stamp. The directions for the exit ticket for this lesson can be found in the image below. The worksheet the exit ticket was completed on is also on the counter in class.

exit ticket

We were able to discuss pedigrees briefly. Below is the example discussed in class, along with information on how to read them.

pedigree slide 1

filled in pedigree


B Day Classes for 3/11

First, we passed back the quiz from Monday on chromosomes, mitosis and meiosis.. Students who wish to retest must see Mr Bowen after school and then schedule another day after school to be reassessed.

Next, we started a new unit on genetics. First, we reviewed important vocabulary and review how to use Punnett squares.

For the vocabulary review and power point, click here: Genetics

For the practice problems, click Simple Genetics Practice Problems. This exercise was turned in at the end of class.

Next, we a coin-flip to determine how well a Punnett square actually predicts genotype and phenotype ratios. This assignment was homework if students did not finish it. Click here for a printable copy.