How does evolution really work?

We watched this video in both honors and CP classes and journaled in our notebooks on the following two questions (for a notebook stamp):

1. What are the four parts of the theory of natural selection?

2. How does overproduction of offspring effect competition?

3. What does survival of the fittest mean?

4. What does differential survival and reproduction mean?


Experimental Design Quiz/Study Guide

Honors classes will be taking the quiz on experimental design on Friday 9/29 (A Day) and Monday 10/2 (B Day).

College Prep Classes will be taking the Quiz on Tuesday 10/3 (A Day).

Click Here to access the the study guide/KUD:  experimental design.theory2017 KUD

Click Here for power point reviews

What is a scientific theory

Experimental Design Terms

Experimental Design Terms2



Honors Biology for 9/23 and 9/26

We started the class with a close reading of the following: new-germ-theory

We then answered the following 4 questions of the left side of our notebook:

What did scientists and doctors originally believe to be the cause of peptic ulcers and hardening of the arteries?
Why did scientists and doctors change their minds about what causes peptic ulcers and hardening of the arteries?
Why were scientists and doctors so reluctant to accept that bacteria caused the diseases?
If Pasteur had not proposed the germ theory would bacteria have ever been identified as the cause of so many diseases?

Next we watch these two video clips and answered the questions (look above video link)  on the right side of our notebooks:

Video 1 

Video 2

Next, student partners researched a theory using the laptops: researching-a-theory

If you missed class just do climate change or gravitational theory.

Assignments for CP Bio on 9/23/19

We started the class with a close reading of the following: new-germ-theory

We then answered the following 4 questions of the left side of our notebook:

What did scientists and doctors originally believe to be the cause of peptic ulcers and hardening of the arteries?
Why did scientists and doctors change their minds about what causes peptic ulcers and hardening of the arteries?
Why were scientists and doctors so reluctant to accept that bacteria caused the diseases?
If Pasteur had not proposed the germ theory would bacteria have ever been identified as the cause of so many diseases?

Next we watch these two video clips and answered the questions (look above video link)  on the right side of our notebooks:

Video 1 

Video 2


Assignments for 9/22/16

Today, we reviewed and discussed what similarities and differences that students found in their historical research/posters of the diseases Bubonic Plague, Gangrene and Cholera.

This led to a discussion as to whether personal beliefs and superstitions are  useful in describing how things happen in nature, such as the diseases. Most student felts they were not useful, at least those not support by facts that have been proved true over time.

Students met in the groups to discuss their homework: hwhow-would-a-scientistAfter a class discussion, they turned in the homework.

Next students, told me that the actual cause of the diseases are germs or microorganisms. This led to a discussion of the germ theory developed by Louis Pasteur. Students did a close reading on Pasteur had to underline the scientific processes (actions) he did in his investigations.

Next, we discussed the meaning of the term theory in science. A power point with the info is here: what-is-a-scientific-theory