Cell Transport Test Study Materials

Testing dates are Friday February 2 for B-Day and February 5 for A day classes.

To find out what you need to know click here: membrane+movement2018KUD CP

For more study materials see below:

Osmosis and Diffusion PPT

Cell Membrane Youtube Playlist

Wisconsin Cell Construction

Practice at Quizizz below


Experimental Design Quiz/Study Guide

Honors classes will be taking the quiz on experimental design on Friday 9/29 (A Day) and Monday 10/2 (B Day).

College Prep Classes will be taking the Quiz on Tuesday 10/3 (A Day).

Click Here to access the the study guide/KUD:  experimental design.theory2017 KUD

Click Here for power point reviews

What is a scientific theory

Experimental Design Terms

Experimental Design Terms2



2A Honors 10/19/16

We started our activity on how population dynamics affect the natural selection. Student groups cut open an okra vegetable and counted the seeds.

They then calculated the amount of time it would take for okra to cover all the land on Earth if all the seeds survived in succeeding generations.

Students developed a model of their data (most did a graph.) And tried to develop a mathematical expression for their data.

They then did two readings to collect evidence that supported their model and mathematical expression.

Students were assigned a four Quizizz questions. They should go to join.quizizz.com and enter 324115 to answer the questions.

Students were also assigned a writing prompt (to be turned in on schoology).

The writing prompt:

Construct a written explanation using evidence for how the ability of a species to increase in number effects the population over time. Use data from the activity okra and POGIL) and textual evidence from Thomas Malthus to support your claim.


Honors Bio for 9/27 -9/28/16

We started out class determining how well students determine are able to design an experiment. For a copy of this, click here: activating-activity-exp-design

Students brainstormed and discussed what the elements of a good experiment include. We then, defined what variables are in an experiment. A copy of the teacher-led a copy of the teacher led presentation is here: experimental-design-terms (right side of notebook)

Students then did a self assessment with five questions and put it on the left side of their notebook. Get a copy here: self-assessment-variables

We then reviewed by playing Kahoot.

Reminder that there will be a quiz on Thursday on the Nature of Science for 2a block and Friday for B day classes. Get a KUD to help you study here.

CP Biology for 9/27/16

We started out class determining how well students determine are able to design an experiment. For a copy of this, click here: activating-activity-exp-design

Students brainstormed and discussed what the elements of a good experiment include. We then, defined what variables are in an experiment. A copy of the teacher-led a copy of the teacher led presentation is here: experimental-design-terms (right side of notebook)

Students then did a self assessment with five questions and put it on the left side of their notebook. Get a copy here: self-assessment-variables

We then reviewed by playing Kahoot.

Reminder that there will be a quiz on Thursday on the Nature of Science. Get a KUD to help you study here.